Tuesday 22 September 2009

I hate money

No really, I wish it weren't so important.

I was sent an enormous list of architectural equipment I'll need in all of two weeks' time, and it's worth a small fortune. Not to mention a very explicit laptop specification that my planned Macbook buying doesn't adhere to (apparently, I need a 15" screen and 13" simply isn't good enough). Great.. so that means what was going to cost me roughly £700 is now skyrocketing to over a grand. Not to mention suggested graphic cards and security locking systems.

And also on the subject of money, I've been temping at an office to scoop up a few extra pounds before university. I spend most of my time browsing flickr to be honest. Here's some finds:

Ohhh Hedi Slimane... (I thought he was a woman until a few months ago, doh-- the photographer that is, not the above model)

Pavlunka photography

"Hello Hand's" photostream

That'll do for now. And I'll continue to mourn over the loss, or imminent loss of money which I'm about to or have just spent.

1 comment:

bearcat said...

i did always read it as heidi slimane... fail.
architecture seems like an amazing subject to study, boo on the expenses though. good luck ^__^
ps. i got a super nice vaio 17" from tesco of all places for well under a grand!