Friday 19 March 2010

Thursday 7 January 2010

Saturday 2 January 2010

still procrastinating

Playlist number 3:


Asobi Seksu - Glacially
Memory Tapes - Bicycle
Neon Indian - Deadbeat Summer
YACHT - Psychic City
Telepathy - Drugged
Dirty Projectors - Stillness is the Move
Bibio - Sugarette
Bear in Heaven - You Do You
Jonquil - Lions

It doesn't flow AT ALL, but definitely some songs of the moment. I'm addicted to Deadbeat Summer (though alas it is far from Summer).

I have a research assignment to do about pre19th Century water/riverside in Southwark. Whaaat. A belated Christmas present from my tutor no doubt. On the upside, I move back in 6 or so days and have even gone to the trouble to make framed photo collages for my room. .. (yet another result of procrastination)