Monday, 4 May 2009

on being at the final stages of a mammoth read

There's nothing quite as satisfying as finishing a good 1000 or so page book. In fact, I think this is probably only the third time I've achieved such a feat. The first was Hugo's Les Miserables, then painstakingly Modern Architecture since 1900 - (it was good.. but painstaking all the same, if only for the shoulder ache it caused for having such a heavy book in my bag) and now Dostoevsky's The Karamazov Brothers.
Admittedly I've been a bit leisurely, and it's taken enough time for me to lose a whole load of the story's momentum and meaning. Sigh- as is life. Either way, I highly recommend it! It's BETTER than Crime and Punishment, by a long long shot.


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